The Second Pillar of Legalization: Is the Awakening of the Commercial Adult-Use Market Coming to Germany?

Show notes

Model projects are a legitimate means of the political and regulatory process to explore new markets, your products and services. What approaches have proven successful in the past and what new approaches can we see among European neighbours? The political will to end the prohibition of cannabis beyond medicine can be seen in many European countries. How will Germany position itself and how can the experiences from Switzerland and the Netherlands help with the legislative process and implementation? The Netherlands has tolerated a grey market for decades, does Germany face a similar danger with the first pillar and how can pillar 2 contain this threat of a strong illegal market?

Langugage: German

Michael "Der Micha" Knodt (Moderator), Freelance journalist
Finn Hänsel (Speaker), SanityGroup GmbH, Founder & Managing Director
Marc Brüngger (Speaker), Pure Production AG, Head of Innovation & Regulation
Frederike S. Fäscher (Speaker), Pivot Regulatory, Consultant
Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meyer-Brenken (Speaker), Fluence, Lead Account Manager Cannabis EMEA

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