Cannabis Reform throughout the Globe, where are we now, and where are we heading?

Show notes

Various differing approaches to cannabis reform are now being developed and implemented throughout the world, from Malta’s cannabis clubs, to Switzerland’s pilot framework, and Germany’s exploration of both. In this panel, we’ll dive into each of these emerging strategies, explore how they are influencing one another, and consider the budding global economic, policy and social trends which are shaping the development of the international cannabis industry.

Langugage: English

Ben Stevens (Moderator), Business of Cannabis, Editor
Dr. Bernd Werse (Speaker), Goethe-Universität, Centre for Drug Research, Social scientist (senior staff member)
Carmen Doran (Speaker), Helius Therapeutics, Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Pavel Kubu MD (Speaker), Chain Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Chief Information Officer
Tom Pettit (Speaker), Smells Like Business, Podcaster & European Cannabis Specialist
Hanna Hlushchenko (Speaker), Cannexpor Pharma, BD Director

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