Addressing Non-Financial KPIs in a Saturating Market: Operational Efficiency at the Peak of Globalization

Show notes

At a time of rising market volatility, consolidation, and innovation, finding future-proof decisions is challenging.This panel aims to address the need for an ever-expanding matrix of data for informed C-Suite leaders. From traditional COGS reduction strategies, to doubling down on people, and harm reduction, we’ll hear from today’s impact icons on pathways towards a more sustainable industry.

Language: English

Leonid Kotlyar (Moderator), DéWarrior Unlimited B.V., Managing Director
Tjalling Erkelens (Speaker), Bedrocan, Founder and Chairman of the Board
William Muecke (Speaker), Artemis Growth Partners, Co-founder and Managing Member
Jürgen Bickel (Speaker), Storz & Bickel GmbH, Managing Director & Co-Founder
William Purves (Speaker), Brains Bioceutical, Chief Commercial Officer
Patrick Hoffmann (Speaker), Cantourage Group SE, Founder Cantourage & Member of the Supervisory Board

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