Unraveling the Dutch Cannabis Experiment and Lessons for Global Legalization

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The Dutch cannabis experiment started! After years of preparation, the first growers will start supplying cannabis, hash and edibles to the coffee shops in the cities of Breda and Tilburg in Q4 of this year. The other growers and participating cities will follow next year. What is going well, what still needs attention, and what can other countries learn from this legalisation?

Thomas Rau (Moderator), CMO Q-Farms, Founder LCC and Cannabisiness
Claas van Os (Speaker), Q-farms - Blowing Minds, CEO & co-founder/ Licensed grower of cannabis for recreational consumption
Kars Van Laarhoven (Speaker), Dutch Leaf, CEO
Patrick Stevens (Speaker), Holigram, Accountmanager
Corné Melissen (Speaker), Hollandse Hoogtes, CEO Kenzoll and Chairman

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