TobaccoAsia/ InterTabac Podcast #38

Show notes

The episode features an engaging interview between Thomas Schmid and Emily Sahakian, co-founder of the premium cigar brand, Chateau Diadem. The remarkable growth of Chateau Diadem is underpinned by its success at various trade exhibitions and the dedication of its two founders, Emily and her cousin, Thierry Farah. Emily shares the backstory of the brand, revealing her and her cousin’s lifelong passion for cigars, their playful childhood experiences, and the eventual realization of their dream to create their own brand. She elaborates on initial obstacles and how the brand evolved from a white-label production to being manufactured in its own custom factory. The conversation highlights Chateau Diadem’s various cigar formats, the significance of quality control, and the brand’s expansion into the U.S. market. Emily offers encouraging advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in the cigar industry and emphasizes the importance of being open to feedback and continually striving for excellence.

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