TobaccoAsia/ InterTabac Podcast #39

Show notes

Thomas Schmid interviews Andreas Schweiger, sales manager at Micro Laser Technology (MLT), about microlaser perforation technology in the tobacco sector. Andreas explains how MLT stands out in the field with its high-performance systems and details the origin of the company, its competition, and technological advancements that make its product unmatched. Schweiger reveals that MLT is the leader in the field due to its innovative polygonal technology, which allows for high-speed perforation producing millions of tiny holes per second, far outpacing competitors.

Schweiger also delves into the practical applications of microlaser perforation in producing light cigarettes and other tobacco products, emphasizing the importance of precision and speed. The interview transitions to discussing MLT's adaptation to market trends, such as online perforation, and exploring new applications beyond the tobacco industry, like food packaging for extending shelf life and security perforation for banknotes and passports. The interview concludes with Andreas Schweiger affirming MLT's commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and serving its niche markets effectively.

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